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After previous studies in Medicine and Biology, I graduated in 2016 from the Franco-European Institute of Chiropractic (IFEC) after completing a full-time 6-year official career .


Upon graduation, I received the official Chiropractic degree and the equivalency degree of "Doctor of Chiropractic" from the European Academy of Chiropractic (EAC).


French by birth and native from Toulouse, I set up my first consultation in 2016 in Mercuès (France), and since 2018 I have been practicing in Galicia at the Centro Quiropráctio do Atlántico .


Now practicing in Spain as a licensed Chiropractor, I am registered in the Spanish Chiropractic Association with No. 1415, and as a member of the EAC I appear in its registry with No. DC1847.


My extensive training and experience led me to develop an interprofessional practice , based on evidence , centered on the patient and in collaboration with the patient.


I am a professional focused on patient care and in my practice I always provide the best possible treatment accompanying my patients towards the solution that is most adapted to their case.


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The education of chiropractors is a university education, and of a full-time superior nature. After completing the studies, the degree equivalent to a bachelor's or master's or doctorate is obtained (from 5 to 7 years), depending on the countries.


Chiropractic enjoys a quality and uniformity of education at an international level of wich are in charge of ensuring the different accrediting councils: establishing the educational standards of the profession, supervising the study plans and inspecting the universities that teach them.


In Europe it's supervised by the European Council on Chiropractic Education (European Council on Chiropractic Education, ECCE), which accredits curricula, controls the subjects taught (theoretical and practical) and the number of formation's credits, teacher's formation, adequacy of the installations…

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